This school started with three students during 1928. Quality education based on activities is being provided. Educators are teaching children to develop their learning capabilities. Eminent Head Masters served in the school were-Shri. N.B. Havanur, Smt.Prema Shanbhag, Smt.Shobha Malebennur, Smt. Usha. M. Balambeed, Shri. G.D.Bademiya,ShriY.B.Gundagovi. Present batch of dedicated teachers and motivated staff are providing all the facilities for better education.
The public education Department honored Shri M. the “Best Teacher” award at Dharwad Taluka. Many teachers had served their precious service in this school. Student who learned in the school adorned the top positions in society expressed appreciation for the school. Those who were served as a teacher and retired are proud of the organization today. They recall the blessings of “ Mayi” and become emotional.